Araba Stated Meetings

Araba Shriners Stated Meetings, the third Monday of the month, dinner at 5:30, meeting at 7 pm
Motor Escort, the third Tuesday of the month, 7 pm
Klassy Kars, the third Wednesday of the month, 6 pm
Marco Island Shrine Club, every Friday for lunch. Kretch's restaurant 527 Bald Eagle Dr in Marco Island, 11:30 am
Lehigh Acres Shrine Club, the fourth Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm
Club and Unit meeting, first Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm
Sharpshooters, first Monday of the month, 6 pm
Smoke and Spirits, second Wednesday of the month
Clowns, second Wednesday of the month, 7 pm
Director's Staff Meeting, the second Thursday of the month, 11:30 am
Flintstones, second Monday of the month, 7:30 pm
Naples Shrine Club, first Tuesday of the month, 6 pm